My Why

I got asked to teach the kids on a Wednesday night. We are using our VBS material as our summer curriculum. When asked I am happy to teach. I have taught kids many times and I love it. I jumped at the chance to get to share with them again.

As I began to study the lesson I found that this is the lesson that is focused on the presentation of the Gospel and the invitation to respond.

It was just a few weeks ago that my kids were in a VBS and my son responded to the Gospel message and make a profession of faith. As a mom I am grateful, thankful and excited. But, I was also reminded why I do what I do. Why I invest into our children’s ministry the way I do. Why I will teach the kids lesson, why I am an Awana leader, why I work VBS every year, why I head up Operation Christmas Child. All these things take time, energy and effort. But it is all worth it because the Gospel gets shared near and far because of it.

Jesus said unto them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…”

Matthew 28:18-19a
There is only 1 road that leads
to God and heaven.
You get to choose.

I couldn’t been more excited to have the opportunity to share the gospel with the kids. It wasn’t about looking for responses that night. I was excited because I got to share with them God’s Truth. Wither with children or adults sharing God’s truth, most of all the gospel, should excite us!

Hearing my son’s profession of faith reminded me that is does make a difference and it is very important that we invest into the children God allows us to.

This is my “Why”.

Because I am raising disciples. Because this makes an eternal difference. Because I am called to share the Gospel, to plant seeds, to water, and even harvest when I get the privilege.

This is my WHY

The mission field begins in my home, then my church, community and then the world! It is a command (not a suggestion) from Jesus Himself (Matthew 28:18-19). I pray that I take every opportunity to share God’s truth every chance I get.

Father thank you for the privilege of getting to share the Gospel with the kids this Wednesday night. Let me be faithful to share Your Good News every chance I get. Thank you that the Gospel has been shared with my children and I have gotten to see them make professions of faith in Your Son. I pray for each child, and person, who hears your Gospel. I pray that the seed be planted, watered and harvested, that we see many come to know You! Thank you for your priceless gift.

In Jesus name, Amen

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