God Has A Place

One of the greatest things God taught me on this mission trip was where I see challenges (and there are plenty) God sees and will use them as opportunities. He has a place for Grace just as she is.  To give you an idea of what learning this means to me I'll share where my heart was.

Come and rest

I don't know how your year has been but I am going to take a guess and say it was a different. Mine certainly has been crazy for many reason as covid-19 took over our lives. Jesus said "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." - Matthew 11:28

Place of Peace

Let me tell you about this place. I started studying the Psalms with a friend at the beginning of the year. Well, the invitation was to read and share but I rarely ever stop there. No, I've stopped and studied each one. In this shelter-in-place time, this time is what keeps me focused on Who My God Is.

Good Friday

This one is inspired by the words of John the Baptist "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" - John 1:29. Jesus on the cross is the fulfillment of John's words that day. It wasn't easy to paint, it isn't easy to look at. It isn't meant to be.

Be the Light in the Dark

I've never seen these lights off before. When I do get to visit home one of the things you can see first it the lights. First it a small glow but then it gets brighter, I know I'm close. In all of this craziness of the coronavirus, the lights of Vegas have been shut off. I'm not sure it's ever been done before.